Helping Your Retirement Stay On Solid Ground



Let’s stay well grounded

Ed de la Rosa founded Solid Ground Financial to help baby boomers make sure they are on a sustainable path during their retirement years. You have worked hard for your money. You know that putting your money on solid ground is critical, especially as our desire to leave a legacy grows with the passing years.

Ask yourself: Will I have enough money to retire on my terms? Do I have a sustainable plan in place to begin my retirement?

Ed is aware that most of us aren’t sure how to answer these questions and he wants to equip you to uncover or reinforce the answers to these and many others. He has a fiduciary responsibility to look out for your best interests. From California to Florida, for the past 26 years, Ed and his associates know that there is great comfort in knowing you’ve made the best decisions for you and your family.


Let’s visit

➤ By appointment only

3030 N. Rocky Point Dr. West Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33607

Please note our new address above, we have moved from Henderson Blvd.

(813) 708-5968


The Ground We Cover:

well grounded Retirement

Compounding interest is the most basic financial principle to build wealth. That’s why some of us don’t interrupt building our nest egg and wait as long as we can before drawing income. We can help keep compounding interest go uninterrupted, where your hard earned money thrives best.

college without student loans

Save for higher education the S-A-F-E way. Following a process that helps parents and their children work in concert to obtain the education they want with the minimum out-of-pocket expense possible. Follow our guide to Selection, Acceptance, Funding, and Execution, and your child will be on their way to obtaining the relevant education you both want.

c-suite retirement strategies

We can help the members of your team uncover a safe and sustainable alternate path to the 401K and help keep their retirement well grounded. Let’s find out if this tax stable If this retirement strategy is right for your team.

make your mortgage an asset

The general line of thinking is that our house is an asset and our mortgage is a liability. The home has equity, the mortgage is a debt. A properly designed mortgage can create a big advantage to your cash flow; it can help build wealth, but if you misuse it, it will do the exact opposite – consume your wealth and even potentially cause more debt. Let’s work together to get your mortgage, one of your biggest expenses, working in your favor.

mission one million

You may be surprised to learn that your home may not be your largest asset. Cash flow is you largest and most important asset which can equal millions of dollars. Are you letting it waste away? Mission One Million is all about helping your family get your cash flow back in control, get out of debt, and design your retirement.

annuity check

How is your annuity performing? What are your statements really telling you? Let us run a comprehensive report that gives you an overview of your annuity results. Including rate of return, net growth, and fees as a percentage of growth. We can even assist with a custom withdrawal strategy that could potentially increase withdrawal income up to 40% over account-draining income riders.


Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it
— Edmund Burke


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your financial planning needs. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your company name if applicable. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.

For job opportunities, please email us your resume. We’re always looking for new and exceptional talent to lead the firm into uncharted fields of practice.